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Logan County Schools:
ElementaryProficient Math: 32% | Distinguished Math: 11% | Proficient Reading: 30% | Distinguished Reading 12% | MiddleProficient Math: 38% | Distinguished Math: 18% | Proficient Reading: 32% | 
Distinguished Reading 20% HighProficient Math: 24% | Distinguished Math: 15% | Proficient Reading: 31% | Distinguished Reading 17%|See District Scores


Logan County Schools provides Special Education programs and services to all children with disabilities (from birth to their twenty-first birthday).  Special Education services include diagnostic, instructional, and related services.  Programs and services are provided on a continuum ranging from consultation with regular education teachers, up through full time special education programming.  This continuum of programs and services is designed to ensure that appropriate programs are available to all children with disabilities and that the least restrictive environment for each child is determined based upon the child's unique needs. 

Moving into the area?  Logan County strives to make transitions easy and manageable for both students and parents.  If you are moving to Logan from within Kentucky, all your child's special education records will easily transfer via Infinite Campus.  Your child's school will possibly schedule an ARC (Admission and Release Committee) meeting to review the former school's documentation (including the IEP) to ensure similar, if not the same, services are provided to your child.

If you move from another state, we will implement your child's current IEP.  While doing so, we will have to determine eligibility based upon Kentucky's guidelines.  While the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal program, each state establishes eligibility criteria for any of the 14 disability categories.  However, during this time, your child's IEP will continue to remain in effect.  The school will conduct an ARC meeting to review the current documentation from the prior school.  The ARC may determine there is sufficient documentation to support eligibility in Kentucky, or the committee may request additional information.  If further assessment data is needed, be assured your child will continue to receive services during the interim as we finalize our testing.  Once all assessments and observations have been completed, the ARC will meet again to review the results and determine if your child continues to meet eligibility requirements in Kentucky.

If you have any further questions regarding Logan County's Preschool Program, please contact the Director of Special Education & Preschool, Rachel Wetton at 270-726-2436