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Logan County Schools:
ElementaryProficient Math: 32% | Distinguished Math: 11% | Proficient Reading: 30% | Distinguished Reading 12% | MiddleProficient Math: 38% | Distinguished Math: 18% | Proficient Reading: 32% | 
Distinguished Reading 20% HighProficient Math: 24% | Distinguished Math: 15% | Proficient Reading: 31% | Distinguished Reading 17%|See District Scores

Local Accountability

Welcome to the Logan County Pillars of Success! 

Every quarter, Logan County Schools will use data collected from school surveys, state testing, and more to gauge how well the district supports our Pillars of Success: Student Performance, Student Growth, Student Readiness, and Student Wellbeing. These four pillars were identified by our LC Innovators-- a team of teachers, administrators, and support staff-- as the most important areas of success for the district.

We have chosen to share this data with our families and community to build trust and earn support as we work to make the best decisions for our students each day. 

For a full breakdown of each pillar’s score, visit our Pillars Data Spreadsheet. 

Current Dashboard

Quarterly Reports


Purpose Measures

Student Performance

Logan County Schools will prepare students to demonstrate abilities,
knowledge, and skills in academic tasks, assessments, and activities.

  • State Assessment (KSA)
  • School Report Card (KDE)
  • ACT Scores
  • IReady & MAP Test "On Grade Level" Scores
Student Growth


Logan County Schools will help students progress and develop
knowledge, skills, and abilities over the full school year, reflecting
their learning and academic advancement.
  • IReady & MAP Growth Percentages
  • Exhibitions of Learning
  • Student-Led Conferences

Student Readiness

Logan County Schools will prepare students to be effective in
educational activities and 21st-century skills, demonstrating the
necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to succeed in their learning journey.

  • Defenses of Learning
  • Leadership & Career Readiness Activities
  • Enrollment in Career Pathway Classes
  • Enrollment in AP & Dual Credit Classes

Student Wellbeing

Logan County Schools will support the social and emotional health
and happiness of students by fostering an environment where they
can thrive and reach their full potential in their educational and personal lives.
  • Average Daily Attendance 
  • Extracurricular Participation
  • School Culture Surveys