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Logan County Schools:
ElementaryProficient Math: 32% | Distinguished Math: 11% | Proficient Reading: 30% | Distinguished Reading 12% | MiddleProficient Math: 38% | Distinguished Math: 18% | Proficient Reading: 32% | 
Distinguished Reading 20% HighProficient Math: 24% | Distinguished Math: 15% | Proficient Reading: 31% | Distinguished Reading 17%|See District Scores

Reports & Public Notifications

NEW! Public Notice about Destruction of Special Ed Records

June 5, 2024

Notice: The Logan County Public Schools, Department of Special Education, adherent to the Kentucky Public School Districts Locan Agency Records Retention Schedule and 20 USC Section 1232g et seq. & KRS 160.700 et seq. through retention and disposition will destroy special education records for any individual with a date of birth prior to June 30, 2000, on August 30, 2024. The district is required to maintain records for three (3) years from the date the child leaves the school district. If a special education record of an individual with a date of birth prior to June 30, 2000, is needed, please request the record by emailing or calling her at 270-726-2436. 

Annual Notices